Super Colour!

I recently had the opportunity to fly over the ‘super bloom’ just north of San Diego, California and OMG, I could definitely see it from the skies. The brilliance of the saturated colour and the quantities of this growth must have been due to this past winter’s nourishing rains. Fortunately I did not have to wait in traffic where I heard that the roads were blocked up for miles.

What an inspiration to see this unique natural event. Make sure you have the opportunity to see this, if not then I hope that it inspires you to observe around yourself, on your walks at break to your local coffee shop … because colour is everywhere and those random beautiful combinations that can be discovered from looking down at the sidewalk and seeing for example the green weeds growing out between the cracks through the dirt, can’t be replicated when you need them - those multiple greens with that rich brown soil next to the soft concrete gray-ish hue? That’s it.

So I suggest that you create a file and keep these beautiful gems available for those moments. They are the ones I reach for, to help me within a project once I need to bring in the complexity of referencing the right colour.


What the F……?


JUST don't