What’s the difference between an art(ist) and a design(er)?

A designer solves a problem creatively, an artist expresses themselves but not to solve a problem.

The way I see it - the answer includes 3 characteristics -




If you look at the image on the left you can see more intentionally placed (elements) rectangles drawn to reference a mobile face surface and proportions which allows the designer to keep in mind, scale and space. Also demonstrated is the technique of utilizing colour to designate certain areas, phasing and best optics.

With the close up of the painting on the right, one can observe various styles of brush strokes, weight, width, quantity etc., as well as colour exploration.

Of course these both are demonstrating the practice of the tools each uses but, the question of why the artist or the designer begun the project or piece to begin with - is the primary difference. The designer initiates their process to solve a problem while the artist initiates to express a moment, a feeling, a sensitivity … Both have purpose but for different reasons.

I suggest that they are related fields and of course one can do both, but they require separate skills and accumulated expertise. I bring this up because making the assumption that if you meet someone who is skilled in one of the 2 above fields can be just as good in the other field, is an incorrect conclusion. Would you have a dentist repair your hernia? Yes they are both doctors but … (not me).

While instructing young designers I am often coming across students who struggle with the cross section of these 2 disciplines and how to use one to influence or educate the other. In this I direct my students to solve problems and always ask the question ‘why’ throughout their design process - this keeps their creative solutions on target. To have the ability to easily and continuously obtain inspiration - I always carry a pen and notebook so that I can quickly capture a concept, an inspiration, a thought. A great designer is always ready to seize ‘whatever crosses their mind at that moment’ and that, I believe, is the cross pollination of the artist in me. It has a great influence on my designer’s eye and improves my perceptions of individual’s feeling, moments of colour, spatial anomalies, and other unknowns.

A little more insight into these great designers are 3 more subtle but very important characteristics:




These 3 attributes also help to differentiate the designer from the artist. Yes an artist takes risks like the impressionists did, breaking tradition with the Salon artists in Paris at the turn of the century. But, when you relate to ‘challenging yourself to solve a problem’ then you can conclude - you are a designer.

I guess that is what it really comes down to - An artist is commissioned to create art for art’s sake. But a designer is commissioned to come up with a commercial solution employing artistic techniques.


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