It’s actually quite common! It’s a natural starting point. Beginning with a blank sheet of paper (or digital one) is the norm! - it’s what you do with it.

There is a saying that you must fail first to succeed. Well I’m not sure I would go that far, in particular - as a rule. But it is something to think about. Creative block could mean that of you are literally tired, and/or you may be tired of working on the same brand (in-house?), you just can’t GET started with some inspiration and concepts.

NOW what?!

It sounds corny but breathe, you are normal. But you may not know what to do, that’s also par for the course. Here are a couple of suggestions:

Put away your digital devices in particular your cell phone. It is an unnecessary appendage (you’ll see). Now go out from your home office or your actual office building and take a walk, go get a coffee - but this time walk in the opposite direction and go to a new coffee shop. Place yourself in an environment that is completely different. Make sure you take along a pen/pencil and small notebook. You may believe that this takes too much time out of your working day to venture out, but you are more likely to find sitting at your desk fretting, takes more time! Change up your creative routine. Create a habit of getting uncomfortable/different.

Get visual - look around, don’t just focus on where you are going. I recently had the opportunity to be in a small Italian city and was advised to go to the main square where everyone goes and enjoy the people and the market BUT do not forget to look up. Why, because most don’t and we would miss some amazing 1500 year old frescoes at the tops of the buildings surrounding the market. And they were amazing!

Draw your thoughts and ideas, they are just for you, they are inspiration for you, they do not need to be perfect.

When you go for a walk, wear 2 different shoes!

Creativity involves a process and this can get stifled sometimes. Recognize that:

The brain needs to rest and recover.

Idea saturation can cause exhaustion.

The necessity of ‘incubating inspiration’.

The idea that you are stumped might actually indicate that you are indeed trying to come up with something new.

Other ways to overcome this issue:

  • Start small and just doodle. I always have a pen and notebook handy not only with me but also when I work on my computer.

  • Cross-pollinate - what I mean is, as a creative you can exercise that same capability by trying something else - for example - although you might be challenged in designing a new logo that is primarily solved with typographic solutions - draw something, write something, paint something, then come back to type. You’ll be amazed at the new way you look at the problem.

  • Visit a museum, you’d be surprised at how much you see get excited about what you see and experience.

  • Set a timer, maybe for 10 minutes... You’d be flabbergasted at how much we as humans LOVE to meet a challenge.

  • Review the why in the task, all aspects of it. Take notes.

One of the best ways to get unstuck and re-inspired is to bring in another person, another set of eyes and ears - another experience. A creative who is from outside your circle. This achieves something novel and distinct for you and the task. It can kickstart your motor. You don’t need to make this permanent, just a quick conversation or a review of where you are at - et voila - a new perspective.

the brand auditor


Is less always more?


When the exception proves the rule.