It Takes A Village …
A stable or a village of creative talents, is the best way to accent your probably smaller cohort of full-time professionals….. and today it is so available, so why not!
According to an article by Tom Valcanis -
Creatives are the lifeblood of crafting messages and getting businesses recognised. Digital agency, advertising businesses, and other creative services firms employ creatives such as videographers, graphic designers, and copywriters. Some are in-house and hired full-time, but many are freelance. We work on a contract, ad-hoc, or one-time basis, preferring to be independent.
So what are the benefits of choosing a freelance creative vs hiring one as a full-time employee?
Freelancers generally turn over projects faster than agencies or in-house creative teams. By connecting with a range of freelancers/specialists, creatives can enhance the project’s expertise and can inspire new ideas for your brand.
From the business point of view there is obviously an economic advantage. As well, freelancers can manage multiple clients. This diversity of work requires them to know and have access to different skillsets which are provided by a stable of different creatives within their ‘rolodex’.
An issue that some do not recognize is in spite of already having a very creative team within a company on board (full-time), there can be a tendency to repeat similar solutions. This is normal. But this is where the opportunity lies for the client to bring in ‘ a freelancer’.
You know you are working with a good creative when they recognize that they need another creative on their team, with different skillsets, for example - an illustrator or a web developer. Bringing in an outsider with a different point of view, different learned experiences, can expand the solution possibilities.
In an article from by Lucy Marino, she references an approach called the “Variable Talent Model”. One of the main points is that the strain of work on your ‘primary team’ can be alleviated utilizing this solution.
She proceeds to mention 7 key actions one can take by using this variable talent model -
Rapid Infusion of Targeted Skills
Workload Balance for Your Core Team
Current Employees Can Focus on The Existing High-Value Projects
New Perspectives & Global Talent Pool
Reduced Rick of a Costly ‘Bad’ Hire
More Agility
And within this last category #7. Project Continuity - you have the option to retain a person for a long term project, moving the work forward. As well, the expanse of experience these professionals can bring to the table due to their wide direction their careers have taken, add greatly to the project and the younger professionals on the in-house team.
Finally, a variable staffing approach allows you to pivot rapidly and this works well in today’s dynamic creative industry!
The ayes over the nays have it - Pros of hiring freelancers
Freelancers bring specialized skills and expertise
Hiring freelancers is cost-effective
Freelancers are ideal for project-based work
Freelancers don't need office space or equipment
Freelancers give businesses hiring flexibility
Another alternative is to utilize a design consultant.
They offer the same conveniences as the freelancer, but tend to have more experience and are good with less project commitments.
They can be used to guide the other younger freelancers (more inexperienced) or full-timers and therefore are even more directed and efficient.
All in all, recognizing that this solution driven direction is available, it allows the client to assess if their needs are such that they must remain within the agency talent pool, or choose an experienced freelancer, seeing and designing utilizing a different lens.
Invite a visitor to your existing village and enjoy the new stories and insights they bring. It will expand your stories that you tell for your clients. A tip - I try to discover a new coffee shop every once in a while to change my perspective. I am so used to the same coffee latte art that when a new one is offered to me, I enjoy that same cuppa coffee even more!