‘Perceiving’ colour differently.
‘Perceiving’ colour differently. Consider what it would be like as a designer to work ONLY in gray scale…..
What’s the difference between an art(ist) and a design(er)?
artist or designer - which are you?
What was created after 5,126 failed prototypes?
Don’t underestimate failure, it is a process, and it will absolutely prove itself.
Do your young designers lead or follow?
Do you lead or do you follow? Helping your young designers is a challenge. Finding the time to do so, is another challenge.
OMG - doesn’t anybody understand what a grid is anymore?
Do you know what a grid is? Do you know what it’s used for? Do you understand how it will solve your creative rut?
Designing within a website template - ugh!
Grids, templates, instructions - working within these obstacles leave little wiggle room - or does it?
Conjunction junction, what’s your function?
what do you do with all the ‘small’ words? how do you incorporate them into beautiful title treatments?
“design exercise” vs “design solution”?
Getting confused - seeing design techniques used as design solutions? Me too. There’s a lot out there but they aren’t design solutions.
Type as a trope
3 categories of type as interpreted into emotion and brand value, they are …
Freelancing - 10% inspiration, 90% administration
what are 2 important tips for doing business as a designer?
3 elements; type, (not)type and?
what are the 3 basic things you need for good design? Type choice, image choice and NOW how to play nice together.
Periwinkle purple: the duality of colour
colour is not a single entity it is a duality, how?